CA. Cut the Cake!
How to satisfy the most jealous of triplets?
How to satisfy the most jealous of triplets?
Twenty three people split into two teams of eleven & one ref; no matter how they split, the teams have the same total weight! Can the players themselves be different weights?
A short, but tricky puzzle: how many guests must you invite before you can be sure that there are at least three mutual acquaintances or three mutual strangers?
Up to $1,000,000 in Prize Money May Be Given Away! Whoever sends us the largest number wins the prize– a million dollars divided by the winning entry!
(So, if everyone could just hold it together and send in the number “1”, we’ll be out a lot of dough! Of course, if everyone else sends in “1”, you might consider being a rascal and sending in “2”… this is a slippery slope though…)