August 29, 2009
math puzzles, Morris, The Mathcast
How does an amatuer mathematician collaborate with a professional? Through the internet of course!
We do it all the time on Math Factor.
Chaim pointed me at the Macalester Problem of the Week. This led to my making a minor contribution to a published paper. I can’t claim it’s a world changing paper, or that my contribution amounted to much, but I did get my name in print! You can read an extract here. {Just above is a review of a book on symmetry, I’m not sure that is real, one of the authors is called Chaim Goodman-Strauss, clearly a made up name.}
It certainly is a fun paper. Stan Wagon is a bit of a legend, as you’ll see from the picture. I’m campaigning for all cycle paths to be built for square wheeled bicycles!
Can you solve some of these problems?
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August 20, 2009
Authors, math puzzles, Yoak
Since my last post, I actually dug up one of my books with Carroll problems. I’ll present this one in Carroll’s own words and add a few notes:
Carroll writes:
Some men sat in a circle, so that each had 2 neighbours; and each had a certain number of shillings. The first had I/ more than the second, who had I/ more than the third, and so on. The first gave I/ to the second, who gave 2/ to the third, and so on, each giving I/ more than he received, as long as possible. There were then 2 neighbors, one of whom had 4 times as much as the other. How many men were there? And how much had the poorest man at first?
A ‘/’ is clearly to be read as a shilling and the ‘I’ is to be read as 1. With that, I think the operations is clear. It is also clear that eventually someone will not be able to pass along 1 more shilling than he was passed, given the finite number of shillings in the game. When that state occurs, instead of passing that person retains the shillings he was just passed. We are then told that it is true that someone now holds 4 times as many shillings as one of his neighbors and are asked how many men there are and how many shillings the poorest of the group must have had to start.
August 14, 2009
Authors, math puzzles, Yoak
I’ve enjoyed several books by and about Lewis Carroll with puzzles, games and neat observations. I’m going to post a few here. Here’s a simple one with which to get started.
Suppose that I secretly flip a coin and place either a blank or white stone in a bag based on the result. I then put a white stone in the bag for two stones in total. I invite you to pull one stone out and it turns out that it is white. What is the chance that the other stone in the bag is also white?
August 1, 2009
The Mathcast
The Entertainment Blockbuster of Summer 2009!

That is: