GO. More Coin Fraud
In this segment, we give some explanation of how Benford’s Law actually arises in so many settings: why are so many kinds of data logarithmically distributed? And we give a surprising fact about runs of coin tosses, and a new puzzle.
Mr H said,
April 2, 2010 at 2:32 am
When I was listening to this episode my instinct was to halve, halve and halve again giving values of $50, $25 and $12.50
I set these values in an Excel sheet and found the difference to all the possible values.
I did the same with the sevenths values in the given answer.
If you then total the differences my values come out just over $10 better.
Am I doing something wrong?
I have placed the file at:
Mr H
Mr H said,
April 12, 2010 at 5:50 pm
. . . . but of course my original idea means that you cannot actual buy anything above $87.50 !!!!!
Also, as Chaim pointed out in a email response to a different query, I have taken the absolute differences rather than the difference from the value one would have to pay.
Other than that it seems okay ;-)