April 13, 2012
art, The Mathcast
Farewell Tom Rodgers, founder, visionary and force behind the Gathering For Gardner. He has added a lot to the world and his legacy will go on and spread. In that spirit, we all hope you’ll join in the Celebration of Mind, maybe hosting your own event sometime around Martin Gardner’s birthday each year on October 21!
I, like so many others, am deeply indebted to Tom; through his generosity (and a fair amount of his typical forceful prodding!) he enabled me and my collaborator Eugene Sargent to begin working together making large mathematical sculptures. Here are a few pictures of those creations. Until we next meet, Tom, thank you.
March 22, 2010
art, The Mathcast
We post last weeks encore presentation of GV. Mix Up At The Five And Dime, and then hit the road! Live updates from the Gathering For Gardner, G4G9 held this week in Atlanta! (Jeff learned he’s reporting when you did– apologies Jeff.)
Eugene Sargent and I will, among other things, be installing a 700 puzzle sculpture, 1 of N, shown here:

Unfortunately, I have not yet completely worked out just what the value of N is– has just been too busy for me.
Finally, we premiere James Greeson’s Canon and Chorale on Pi.
More soon!
April 25, 2009
art, Harriss, Topology and geometry
Strange appearance in the North Atlantic: