January 2, 2009
Morris, The Mathcast
Happy New Year Math Factor fans.
My name is Stephen Morris and like Edmund I’m going to be posting in the Math Factor website. I have been a listener for some time and have posted comments as ‘stevestyle’. I’m not a professional mathematician, just a keen amateur and fan of math puzzles. I live in England.
I thought I would start with an anecdote from the recent holidays, where playing scrabble with the family helped with one of Chaim’s problems. I hope you enjoy it.
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December 31, 2008
Harriss, The Mathcast
Greetings mathfactorisers! I am one of the new wave of additional commentators on the website. I thought I would introduce myself a little. I am currently working as a postdoc researcher at Imperial College London, though I am also polishing my CV as my current contract finished in March. My research is in tilings and patterns, especially those which fit onto themselves at different scales. For those of you in London next summer I am preparing an exhibit titled “How shapes fill space” for the Royal Society Summer exhibition. This will look at the mathematics of tilings and patterns with lots of shapes and models to play with.I also like to make pretty pictures from this research, like the example below, which is based on a tiling created by the prime mathfactor Chaim himself. I hope to describe some of this on the mathfactor, for a taste check out my other writing at Maxwell’s demon. This piece on rep-tiles is probably of particular interest. For more of my pictures take a look at my website.
