DD. Should We Teach College Algebra?

Prof. Bernie Madison discusses his innovative course at the University of Arkansas; thinking straight about mathematics is fundamental for an informed and capable citizenry– but why doesn’t mathematics education seem to foster this?


DC. Psychology Matters

The ‘expected’ answer is not always the one people choose: Dennis Shasha explains that psychology plays a role in the answer to last week’s puzzle.

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DB. Envelope Mystery

Dennis Shasha answers his cake conundrum and poses a new puzzle: should you switch envelopes given the chance?


DA. A Cake Conundrum

Dennis Shasha, author of Puzzles for Programmers and Pros
joins us once again, posing a cake conundrum!

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CZ. A Parlour Trick

How does this simple trick work?

Ask a friend to pick, silently, a three-digit number, then “double” it to make a six-digit number. For example, if she picks 412, the new number would be 412412. Then dividing by 7, then by 11, then by 13, presto! The original number!

Interestingly, there is no decent trick for two-digit numbers; and for four-digit numbers the trick is not so great. But for nine and fifteen digits (for the right kind of people only!!) there is a relatively simple variation.

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CY. Number Sleuths

After explaining how the Princess escaped, we pose a simple puzzle from Dennis Shasha’s new book Puzzles for Programmers and Pros.

(In the next post we’ll say a little more about the princess.)


Follow Up: Escaping the Beast

We can say a bit more about the Princess’s escape.

Amazingly, an optimal path for the Princess is to swim in a half circle of radius 1/8 that of the lake, then dash out to the edge.
We’ll give an analytic proof, but we could give a totally synthetic (geometric) proof as well.

Read the rest of this entry »

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CX. The Princess and A Beast

How can the princess escape the beast waiting on the shore?


CW. The Surreal Numbers

What follows after 0, 1, 2, … , once you’ve managed to list every counting number?

Around 1875, Georg Cantor created — or discovered if you like — the transfinite ordinals : the list continues 0, 1, 2, …, then ω , ω + 1, ω + 2, etc, for quite a long long way. John H. Conway tells us about his Surreal Numbers , which add in such gems as

1 / √ ω

Check out Knuth’s Surreal Numbers, Conway & Guy’s Book of Numbers , or for more advanced users, Conway’s On Numbers and Games.


CV. Dividing the Loot

As B Boom wrote, the first pirate can make a proposal that gives him all but 49 (about, depending on the rules) pieces of
the gold. Read the rest of this entry »


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